For the standard parameters COD, nitrate and nitrite, a spectrum in the UV range is evaluated by means of complex algorithms which are based on reference spectra. The result is put out directly as concentration reading, without the use of reagents. No potassium dichromate, no digestion – for quick testing. The composition of the water is very important for this calculation, since water is not equal to water.
The OptRF-methods are currently being developed for sewage plant outlets. They can be optimized for the respective municipal waste water matrix by user calibration via reference values performed with standard procedures like test kits. Depending on the composition of surface waters, the methods can be used here as well after testing and verifying with reference procedures. Being light-weighted and powered by car battery, photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS can be operated On-site easily.
- Optical reagent-free measurement of COD, nitrate and nitrite (OptRF)
- Faster than the fastest digestion
- No costs, as no reagents or chemicals required
- Environmentally friendly and no health hazards
- Menu-guided operation
- Multi-layer AQA
- Application support
- Comprehensive programming opportunities
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