The Thermo Scientific Thermo Series Liquid Nitrogen Transfer Vessels are economical and durable. They are designed for storing and dispensing small amounts of liquid nitrogen. Our Thermo Series includes six models with capacities from 5 to 32L. A full range of handling and dispensing accessories as well as transport carts are also available.
- Designed to bring liquid nitrogen to other cryovessels
- Lightweight aluminum dewars assure low-static evaporation rates
- Optional withdrawal device, 12mL dipper and wheeled accessory cart
- Compact Thermo 5 and 10 dewars feature a convenient pail-style handle for pouring and for use in applications where only small quantities of liquid nitrogen are needed
- Thermo 10, 20, and 30 can be fitted with self-pressurized withdrawal accessory devices to easily dispense LN2 without pouring
Visit the Forma, Thermo Scientific Website
Download the Thermo 5, 10, 20, 30 Product Brochure