Telstar’s ARCTIC series of environmentally friendly freeze dryers operates with natural gases which guarantees long-term compliance with increasingly restrictive International regulations (F-gas normative). The LyoQuest Arctic -80 benchtop unit runs on ethane and propane, two natural gases that have an extremely low environmental impact preparing their product for the upcoming and very stringent regulations on the use of conventional HFC or HFO refrigerants. The LyoQuest Arctic is the most compact unit of the range and is an innovative bench-top laboratory freeze dryer that integrates pre-freezing, primary drying and secondary drying processes avoiding the use of conventional HFC or HFO cooling gases
Features include:
- Compact bench mounted table-top unit
- Pre-freezing at -80C
- Condenser capacity in 24 h: 6 Kg
- AISI 316L condenser with total capacity of 8kg which also allows freezing of the samples
- Vacuum pump outside the cabinet
- Vacuum control through main Lyoquest touch-screen
- Heating system for the shelves included up to 70ºC
- Simple electrical connection to the network
- System control by PLC + Color Touch-screen;
- Easy to start-up and use
- Various accessories
For more details please visit the Telstar Website
Alternatively download the Telstar Lyoquest Arctic Freeze Dryer Brochure