Take your measurements at the source with our premium line of portable meters. The Thermo Scientific Orion Star A329 pH/ISE/conductivity/RDO/DO portable meter offers an information-rich screen and user-friendly operation. This rugged, waterproof portable meter is ready to tackle the elements with you. Orion Star A329 pH/ISE/conductivity/RDO/DO portable meters are designed to be easy to use, dependable field meters that offer advanced features and functions including a 5000 point date log with sample ID and user ID options, calibration and high/low limit alarms and password-protected measurement methods.
- Combined convenience with the benefits of a pH/ISE meter, conductivity meter and dissolved oxygen meter in one easy-to-use system
- Measure pH, ion concentration, mV, relative mV or ORP with temperature on channel one; measure conductivity, TDS, salinity or resistivity with temperature on channel two; and measure dissolved oxygen in percent saturation or mg/L with temperature using RDO optical DO probes or polarographic DO probes on channel three
- Easily view individual measurements on a full screen display and quickly toggle to a split screen display to view multiple measurements simultaneously
- Perform up to 5 point pH and ISE calibrations with calibration editing option that allows individual points to be fixed without a full recalibration
- Perform up to a 5 point conductivity calibration
- Calibrate dissolved oxygen using water-saturated air, air-saturated water, custom value (Winkler titration) and zero point options
- Informative, easy-to-read backlit graphic display with clear onscreen instructions simplifies operation
- IP67-rated housing is waterproof for rugged field operation
- Meter kits include hard-sided field case and protective meter armour with electrode holders, adjustable wrist/belt strap and built-in meter stand
For more details please visit the Thermo Scientific Website
Download the Thermo Scientific Orion Star A329 pH/ISE/conductivity/RDO/DO portable meter Product Brochure