Take your measurements at the source with our premium line of portable meters. The Thermo Scientific Orion Star A326 pH/RDO/DO portable meter offers an information-rich screen and user-friendly operation. This rugged, waterproof portable meter is ready to tackle the elements with you. Orion Star A326 pH/RDO/DO portable meters are designed to be easy to use, dependable field meters that offer advanced features and functions including a 5000 point date log with sample ID and user ID options, calibration and high/low limit alarms and password-protected measurement methods.
- Combined convenience with the benefits of a pH meter and dissolved oxygen meter in one easy-to-use system
- Measure pH, mV, relative mV or ORP with temperature on channel one and measure dissolved oxygen in percent saturation or mg/L with temperature using RDO optical DO probes or polarographic DO probes on channel two
- Easily view individual measurements on a full screen display and quickly toggle to a split screen display to view multiple measurements simultaneously
- Perform up to a five point pH calibration using automatic buffer recognition of NIST or DIN buffer groups with choice to manually enter custom buffer values and calibration editing option that allows individual points to be fixed without a full recalibration
- Calibrate dissolved oxygen using water-saturated air, air-saturated water, custom value (Winkler titration) and zero point options
- IP67-rated housing is waterproof for rugged field operation
- Meter kits include hard-sided field case and protective meter armour with electrode holders, adjustable wrist/belt strap and built-in meter stand
- Various meter kits available
For more details please visit the Thermo Scientific Website
Download the Thermo Scientific Orion Star A326 pH/RDO/DO portable meter Product Brochure