Buchi offers highest performance, efficiency and safety. Intuitive operation and handling for reliable and highly productive industrial distillation. By exclusive use of high quality materials, the Rotavapor® R-250 is a long lasting investment.
High performing
- Fast distillation due to high heating capacity
- Large batches in a flask of 50 liters
- Extended functionality with a wide range of accessories
- The best set for every application up due to a wide range of glass configurations
Easy and safe
- Intuitive operation of the Rotavapor® and its vacuum controller
- Excellent handling by large and easy readable display
- Easy flask handling due to the unique flask coupling
- Highest safety by coated glassware
- Safe handling and spring-loaded valves protect the glass
- Ex proof option available
- Long life time due to exclusive use of corrosion-free stainless steel
- Low maintenance by using highly chemical resistant materials
- Trouble-free operation thanks to robust industrial valves
Visit the Buchi Website for more details.
Download the R-250 Industrial Rotavapor Brochure
Download the R-250 Industrial Rotavapor Data Sheet