The KjelSampler K-376 or K-377 in combination with the KjelMaster K-375 meets upmost demands in high throughput Kjeldahl determination. The system provides a maximum degree of automation and flexibility.
- Unattended operation of 24 samples (K-376) or 48 samples (K-377)
- Perfect process synchronisation of all steps from digestion to automated sampling
- Fully automated by the KjelMaster K-375
- Continuous batch workflow using two independent rack trays (K-377)
- Smallest bench top system
- “Express rack” privileges high priority samples
- Automatic or manual operation at any time
- All BUCHI sample tubes to be used (100 mL, 300 mL, 500 mL)
Convenient and safe
- No sample tube cleaning
- Reliable and clean processing with no glass transfer
- No contact with chemicals due to automated handling of reagents
- Smooth and safe sample rack loading at any time
- Longest glass lifetime due to short exposure to chemicals
Visit the Buchi Website for more details.
Download the KjelSampler K-376 & K-377 Brochure
Download the KjelSampler K-376 K-377 Data Sheet