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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific officially distributes through Labotec a proven portfolio of solutions that span discovery through R&D to large-scale commercial bioproduction. These solutions encompass both upstream and downstream workflows in bioprocessing to provide a one-stop solution for all your Bioprocessing needs. Thermo Fisher Scientific bioprocessing solutions are focused on working with customers and utilizing their product’s unique capabilities, like open architecture engineering and customization, to provide the right solutions to achieve optimal bioprocessing outcomes. That’s both Thermo Fisher Scientific & Labotec’s commitment to you and it’s what we call Bioprocessing by Design.

Thermo Fisher Scientific officially distributes through Labotec a proven portfolio of solutions that span discovery through R&D to large-scale commercial bioproduction. These solutions encompass both upstream and downstream workflows in bioprocessing to provide a one-stop solution for all your Bioprocessing needs. Thermo Fisher Scientific bioprocessing solutions are focused on working with customers and utilizing their product’s unique capabilities, like open architecture engineering and customization, to provide the right solutions to achieve optimal bioprocessing outcomes. That’s both Thermo Fisher Scientific & Labotec’s commitment to you and it’s what we call Bioprocessing by Design.

Bioprocessing by design

Streamlining bioprocessing with Thermo Fisher Scientific – ZA. How can we help you?

Six critical considerations for Bioprocess Lab Equipment Selection - Read the paper here if you are asking questions and need answers when selecting bioprocessing equipment

Read this Whitepaper on "Value of standardisation modularised manufacturing strategies for single-use technologies

Visit Thermo Scientific page for product details and video's