Launch Of The Pioneering Elga Labwater Chorus

Elga Labwater Chorus

Elga Labwater has launched PURELAB® Chorus, their revolutionary new water purification system in South Africa.  The range offers a fresh new modular approach to laboratory water purification.  Chorus was unveiled at Labotecs’ offices in Midrand, Durban and Cape Town (Labotec are official agents for Elga in Southern Africa), and customers were invited to view how the system fits together to achieve constant peak water quality.

The launch with its distinctly Star Wars theme was titled, “”Pure Labwater Srikes Back””, may the CHOICE be with you.  The new system reflects customers demand to be in control of what they want from their water systems, and allows one to select and configure their own purification technology suited to individual application and scientific requirements in one integral, space saving, compact unit.

The PURELAB® Chorus solutions delivers water purity from general laboratory grade Type III to ultrapure 18.2MΩ-cm (Type I+/I) water and incorporates the advanced PureSure® deionization system which guarantees water purity and maximises cartridge life.  Impurities such as RNase, DNase and bacteria for Life Science, Trace Ions such as Silica and Boron for Analytical Research and Inorganic and Organics for General Science can all be efficiently removed.

PURELAB Chorus is modular and can be configured to fit any laboratory or work space. Customer can choose from stackable, bench top, wall mounted or under bench options or locate their Halo dispense units up to four meters from the purification unit. PURELAB® Chorus comes with 15, 30, 60 and 100 litre storage reservoir options with unique display of stored purified water.  By combining up to four Halo dispense units in a series this delivers ultimate flexibility in how and where pure water is dispensed and gives the option to have different water purity dispensed from a single solution.  PURELAB Chorus conforms to international water standards e.g. ISO 3696.