Alternative for Asset Finance – Labotec Partners with The Rental Company

Labotec has partnered with The Rental Company to provide leasing options to clients who would like to purchase new equipment, but perhaps would prefer a more affordable alternative to an immediate capital expenditure.

Some of the benefits of rentals includes :

  • Cash flow benefit and preservation, with smoothed cash flow to help with affordability.
  • No lump sum payment means that customers are able to use their cash in their core business or invest in appreciating assets.
  • Off balance sheet with lease payments listed as operating expenses (OPEX) and therefore, no liabilities are reflected on the balance sheet.
  • Removing the hassle factor of facilitating credit approvals.
  • No impact on customers’ existing credit facilities
  • Competitive rates are offered.

The way it will work, should a client decide to apply for the leasing option once they have evaluated both total value and leasing payment options, a credit application is filled out.  The Rental Company will facilitate credit approvals with their 7 funders and once all the necessary paperwork has been submitted, the client may continue to lease the new equipment from The Rental Company.  At the end of the leasing term, the client has the option to upgrade and get new equipment aligned to a new warranty and new technology.

The above is intended to provide an alternative option for Labotec clients so they can make the best financial decision for their laboratory or company.  Should one wish to enquire about this option, please contact Labotec Sales on email: or 011 315 5434 and speak to one of our sales consultants.